Parklife Sponsors Friends of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail

The team at Parklife lives its values through our work each day with dozens of organizations dedicated to fostering social change, equity, and sustainability. It is with great pride we announce our support of Friends of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail through a donation of in-kind creative services. 

The Mountains-to-Sea Trail connects a variety of trails and greenways that course through the Tar Heel State. When you embark on a journey along this trail, you’ll encounter the breathtaking landscapes that define the state we’re proud to call home. From majestic mountains, panoramas, farmlands, colonial towns, and tobacco barns, you’ll see it all along the 1175 miles of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail. 

Friends of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail, powered by a dedicated army of volunteers, enhances the hiking experience by maintaining footpaths, establishing new camping areas and creating new trails that can help people get a better view. Beyond the trail itself, Friends of Mountains-to-Sea Trail collaborates with local and state governments to secure additional land for trail expansion, ensuring the preservation and accessibility of many natural wonders across the state. 

“We are thrilled to support Friends of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail,” said Parklife founder Brian Castle. “Through the years, they’ve done extraordinary work to connect so many beautiful places and communities across our state. We are especially grateful to Friends of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail to bring together people from all walks of life to experience the wonder of living in North Carolina.”

For more information on the Friends of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail, visit 


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